Hey, my name is Richard Butler and I help committed professionals learn the techniques they need to be able to get promoted and get the job they wish - all of this in just 21 days!

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21 Days To Find A Better Job

You may have thought about changing jobs but you're not sure where to start.

To be honest trying to find a job is not easy, unless you know how to do it, and when you do you can get ahead of the rest.

Are you ready to learn more about:

✅ How to
effectively search for a job?

✅ Understanding the job

✅ Preparing your CV

✅ Doing an awesome interview?

If so then this 21 Day program is just what you need.
Enroll In The 21 Day Job Challenge
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"So far everything I’ve done is so very useful. My “training” about jobs & interviews was done years ago & SO much has changed.

Some of it is common sense, but your expert knowledge is invaluable in getting up to speed quickly & efficiently. Your challenge is incredibly useful & I feel it will give me an edge over other candidates applying for the job.

Highly recommended."

Alison G

"It is a very interesting challenge, with a lot of personal work to do some days, others are a bit lighter, but it definitely demands to be self analytical and reflective; and it is all worth it!!!!

I got a job in less than 18 days, it was before I even finished the challenge!!! The videos are amusing with very interesting tips to have and I got to learn a lot about myself by doing the homework

Connie M


Here's Why You May Not Be Finding
The Job Of Your Dreams

If you're not sure why you're not getting called for interviews, or getting that second interview it could be because:

✅ You haven't updated your CV in years

✅ You making this one mistake when you apply for a job 

✅ You are not prepared for the questions you are going to be asked at an interview

✅ You freeze when you're asked one of those more difficult questions

However, I want to tell you that not only can you do this, but I am going to show you how to do it in just 21 days!

Imagine being able to 

💼 effectively search

💼 being able to read the job description to find out what the company want and the questions they are going to ask you

💼 ensuring your CV matches what the company want

💼 knowing the type of questions you are going to be asked

💼 having the confidence to go and interview

What Will I Learn In The 21 Days?

That's a great question.

You will learn:

✅ How to approach your job search in the correct way

✅ How to read, understand and recognize the most important information in the job description

✅ Discover how to prepare your CV for the job

✅ Why a certain percentage of CVs never even get to the recruiters desk

✅ How to prepare for your interview, understand the questions and know how to answer them

Here's a sneak peek inside:
💼 having the confidence to go and interview

And the great thing? 

You will have just one task to each day over the 21 days.

Each day builds on the previous days knowledge.

Just click below to enroll
Enroll In The 21 Day Job Challenge
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